What is Annexation?
Annexation is the process of bringing unincorporated (Dorchester County) property into the Ridgeville town limits. Benefits of annexation may include access to and/or reduced water and sewer rates, higher levels of law enforcement protection, trash and recycling pickup, voting for local leaders, discounted rates for town rental, among other things.
We recognize the fast pace of development that is occurring around us. We are trying to predict the areas of growth in order to better manage their development. With greater control over development, the Town of Ridgeville can protect your investment by regulating what is built around your property. In addition, annexations will help us to determine the best possible locations and layout of future roads, schools, municipal buildings, parks and influence a wide range of other decisions. This is why we need you to help us grow in a way that is both controlled and beneficial to all citizens of Ridgeville.
Down below is the application to join and become a citizen of The Town of Ridgeville!
Contact Info
Rebecca Vance
105 School St
Ridgeville, SC 29472
(843) 873-3286
LeAnne Barwick
Town Clerk
105 School St
Ridgeville, SC 29472
(843) 871-7960

WElcome Annex